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asp.net core - Swashbuckle Swagger: How to show type of array of models parameter?


I am using vvatest 2.4 version of https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to generate documentation for AspNetCore Controller method having 2 parameters: guid and list of models.

public async Task<IActionResult> MyMethod(Guid referenceId, List<ApiProfile> passengers)

The first parameter generates correctly, but the second doesn't understand type and shows


And in json:

"parameters": ["name": "passengers","in": "query","description": "",
"required": false,"type": "array","items": ,"collectionFormat": "multi",

Note that the type ApiProfile is shown at the bottom under Models section:

description: API Object
Id string($uuid)
Email string
salutation string
firstName string
lastName string
dateOfBirth string($date-time)

And in json:

"definitions": {"ApiProfile": {"description": "API Object","type": "object",
"properties": {"Id": "format": "uuid","type": "string","Email": "type": "string",
"salutation": "type": "string","firstName": "type": "string"...

I need an advice how to describe type of List of request parameters to be shown in Swagger UI.

I've tried to assign [SwaggerRequestExample(typeof(PeopleRequest), typeof(ListPeopleRequestExample))] but not sure how to do it with 2 parameters.
Also I tried to temporary exclude first parameter, but have the same behaviour.


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