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dosbox - entering two numbers and multiplying and dividing them on NASM


good evening everyone. I've been working on this code where the user will input two numbers and they will be multiplied and divided and show the results. I am using procedures to separate the processes. My question is: somehow if I only do the multiplication the program will end and everything will be clear. If I call both procedures the program seems to stay right after the multiplication call and won't go any further. (lets say 10 and 2. expected multiplication is 20 and quotient 5 with 0 remainer, or 12 and 5 where multiplication is 60 and division is 2 remainder 2) Maybe my logic might be wrong or my procedure calls are wrong but I would like to ask if anyone could lend me another pair of eyes so I can learn where my mistake might be. Thanks!!

this is done for NASM on DosBox 0.74

; Input: Requests two integers from the user.
; Output: Outputs the multiplication and division of the input integers.

%include "io.mac"
prompt_msg1 db "Please input the first number: ",0
prompt_msg2 db "Please input second number: ",0
mul_msg db "multiplication N1 * N2 is: ",0
div_msg db "Division N1/N2 is: ", 0
rem_msg db "Remainder N1/N2 is: ", 0

PutStr prompt_msg1 ; request first number
GetInt CX ; CX = first number

PutStr prompt_msg2 ; request second number
GetInt DX ; DX = second number

;multiplication call
call multi ; returns multiplication in BX
PutStr mul_msg ; display multiplication message
PutInt AX ; display multiplication result

;division call
call divis ; returns division in BX
PutStr div_msg ; display Division message
PutInt BX ; display quotient result
PutStr rem_msg ; display remainder message
PutInt DX ; display remainder result


mov AX, CX ; imul= first number
imul AX, DX ; imul = imul * second number
ret ; return

mov BX, CX
div DX ; idiv = first number / second number
ret ; return


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