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javascript - Chrome headless crashing due to blob and cliick events karma test case


This is a duplicate question asked 2 years before but still i am taking this out from Pandora Box:

How to mock Blob and Click() in jasmine Specs in angular js?

Similar kind of a function exists here:

 function saveFile(data, fileName) 
let url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data]));
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = fileName;
a.target = '_blank';

My attempt of unit test code is here below:

describe('UtilityService', function () {
let UtilityService;
let URL;
let Blob;

beforeEach(inject(function (_UtilityService_)
UtilityService = _UtilityService_;
Blob = function (dataArray)
return dataArray;
createObjectURL: function (blobData)
return Blob(blobData);

spyOn(document, 'createElement').and.callFake(function ()
href: '',
target: '_blank',
download: ''
spyOn(document, 'body').and.returnValue('');

Caller function:

 fdescribe('saveFile', function () 
it('should save the file', function ()
UtilityService.saveFile(null, null);

No luck, ChromeHeadless is crashing. What is the actual cause to this and how to get rid off this? Do we need change anything in karma configuration file?


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